Merino Ram | 2020 | 12 x 14 inches
Cows in Moonlight | 2013 | 13 x26 inches
Red-Tailed Hawk | 2012 | 8 x 18 inches
Llama | 2007 | 15 x 17 inches
Great Blue Heron and Green Heron | 2008 | 14 x 42 inches
New Zealand Wild Goat | 2021 | 14 x 14 inches
Landscape | 2010 | 10.5 x 14.5 inches
Belted Kingfisher | 2013 | 3.5 x 5.5 inches
Barn with Fields | 2015
Dove | 2008 | 10 x 12 inches
Bumble Bee & Honey Bee | 2013 | 4 x 9 inches
Black-Capped Chickadee | 2013 | 4 x 4 inches
Killdeer | 2008 | 4 x 5 inches
Baltimore Oriole Fledging | 2010 | 4 x 4 inches
Cedar Waxwing | 2013 | 8 x 8 inches
Puppy | 2009 | 6 x 9 inches
Yellow - Billed Cuckoo | 2009 | 13.5 x 17 inches
Mink | 2017 | 13.5 x 16.5 inches